Learn German at A2 level in small exclusive groups
At Dr. Juno, you will learn from former DSH examiners of TU Dortmund and telc examiners. You will participate in targeted and varied lessons and gain valuable detailed knowledge about the German language and grammar. This way, you will effectively improve your German skills and learn in a goal-oriented manner for the A2 exam.
Learn what is important in the exams and receive useful tips that will surely help you.

With our A2 German language course, learn from former official examiners
Our comprehensive teaching materials and experienced teaching team provide you with everything you need to learn German at the A2 level. Apply your language skills successfully in your studies, career, and daily life.
With our A2 German course as a preparatory course for the DSH or telc exam, you will learn German effectively and make rapid progress. Additionally, our exam-experienced teaching team will thoroughly prepare you for the official language exams.
What can you expect from an A2 German course at Dr. Juno?
Our A2 German course takes place in a small, exclusive group. This ensures that you receive optimal support at all times. You will also always have the opportunity to ask your instructor questions if you do not understand something. In a language course aiming for A2, you will learn to use the German language in daily life and in general, simple contexts. You will learn how to use and understand commonly used expressions, talk about yourself or your family and friends, and communicate in simple, routine situations in life, shopping, or work. You will be able to exchange simple and direct information about familiar and common things and speak about your own background and education, your immediate surroundings, and your wishes and needs with simple means.
To participate in Dr. Juno’s intensive German course, you need German language skills at the A2 level. To assess your language proficiency, an admission test is conducted before the course starts (participation fee: €10.00*).
Have you already successfully attended one or more German courses? Then you can also present us with a corresponding A1 certificate or proof of 300 hours of instruction. In this case, an admission test is, of course, no longer necessary.
Language level B2 is one of the competence levels within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which classifies language skills into different levels:
– A0 – beginners with no prior knowledge
– A1-A2 – beginners with little to middle previous knowledge
– B1-B2 – intermediate to advanced knowledge, independent use of the language
– C1-C2 – competent use of the language, C2 native speaker level
Our German course for B2 preparation costs .
Our courses and exams are VAT-exempt according to §4 No. 21 a UstG
A2 Deutschkurse
Unsere Kurse sind umsatzsteuerfrei nach §4 Nr.21a bb) UStG.